5 Đề thi chất lượng giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án và thang điểm)

Choose the correct form of the verbs.

1. Look! The bird (fly) ______________________

2. It (rain)________ very much in the summer. It (rain)________________ now.

3. She always (go) ____________ shopping on the weekend.

4. We (learn) ____________________ English at present.

5. Don't (throw)_______________ waste away.

Rearrange the sentences.

1. Tam/ gentle./ beautiful/ and/ was


2. My/ often/ grandma/ in/ works/ the garden/ her/ in/ free/ time.


3. you / what / doing / are / stove / with / the ?


4. shouldn’t / cream / you / ice / eat


5. like / would / future / the / you / to / what / be / in ?


docx 23 trang Đường Gia Huy 19/07/2023 6060
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Nội dung text: 5 Đề thi chất lượng giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án và thang điểm)

  1. Đề thi Giữa kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 5 năm 2021 - 2022 có đáp án (5 đề) Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo Đề thi chất lượng Giữa kì 2 Năm học 2021 - 2022 Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 5 Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (Đề 1) I. Find one word that has different pronunciation from others. 1. a. that b. make c. take d. cake 2. a. find b. thing c. mind d. bike 3. a. gun b. fun c. sun d. June 4. a. stove b. lovely c. sometimes d. come 5. a. sunny b. under c. student d. lunch II. Choose the correct form of the verbs. 1. Look! The bird (fly) ___ 2. It (rain)___ very much in the summer. It (rain)___ now. 3. She always (go) ___ shopping on the weekend. 4. We (learn) ___ English at present. 5. Don't (throw)___ waste away.
  2. III. Rearrange the sentences. 1. Tam/ gentle./ beautiful/ and/ was ___ 2. My/ often/ grandma/ in/ works/ the garden/ her/ in/ free/ time. ___ 3. you / what / doing / are / stove / with / the ? ___ 4. shouldn’t / cream / you / ice / eat ___ 5. like / would / future / the / you / to / what / be / in ? ___ IV. Read and tick: My name is Mary. I’d like to be a nurse in the future. I’d like to look after patients and work with other people in a hospital. It is an important and very exciting job. I’d also like to meet a lot of people. I’m studying hard at school. I hope my dream will come true one day. T F 1. Her name is Mary. 2. She would like to be a nurse 3. She would like to travel around the word .
  3. 4. She would like to meet a lot of people. V. Match 1. What does Lan often do in her free time? 2. Is he the main character in this fairy tale? 3. What would you like to be in the future? 4. Do not look directly at the Sun! 5. Mr Quang had a backache a. You may be blind. b. He needs to see the doctor c. No, he isn’t d. She often plants tree e. I would like to be an artist Answer: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - VI. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. David and Lucy live in London, in England. They have a big house near a park. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms in their house. David and Lucy have two children: a boy and a girl. David works in a bank and his wife is a doctor. They usually leave home at eight o'clock. Lucy drives to school with her two children. Then she drives to works at the hospital. In the evening, Lucy always cooks dinner. After dinner, they sometimes watch TV. 1. Where do David and Lucy live? ___.
  4. 2. Is their house near a hotel? ___. 3. What does Lucy do? ___. 4. What time do they leave home? ___. 5. What do they sometimes do after dinner? ___. Đáp án & Thang điểm I. 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C II. 1. is flying 2. rains/isn’t raining 3. goes 4. are learning 5. throw III. 1. Tam was gentle and beautiful. 2. My grandma often works in the garden in her free time. 3. What are you doing with the stove? 4. You shouldn’t eat ice cream. 5. What would you like to be in the future? IV.
  5. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T V. 1 - d 2 - c 3 - e 4 - a 5 – b VI. 1. London, England 2. No, it isn’t 3. She’s a doctor. 4. 8 o’clock (in the morning) 5. Watch TV ___ Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo Đề thi chất lượng Giữa kì 2 Năm học 2021 - 2022 Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 5 Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (Đề 2) I. Find one word that has different pronunciation from others. 1. A. cry B. fly C. happy D. dry 2. A. that B. make C. take D. cake 3. A. find B. thing C. mind D. bike 4. A. gun B. fun C. sun D. June
  6. 5. A. stove B. lovely C. sometimes D. come II. Give the correct form of these verbs 1. The Earth (circle) ___ the Sune once every 365 days. 2. Rivers usually (flow) ___ to the sea. 3. Look! Jane (play) ___ the guitar. 4. Hurry up! The bus (come) ___. 5. How often ___ she go fishing? - She (go) ___ once a year. III. Unscramble these words from the story. 1. chadahee ___ 2. bletierr ___ 3. skigpean ___ 4. usecabe ___ 5. ttream ___ IV. Read and complete. A. How are you today? B: I’m not feeling very (1) ___. A: What’s the (2) ___ with you? B: I (3) ___ a stomach ache. A: You should (4) ___ in bed. B: I can’t. A: Why (5) ___?
  7. B: I have to go to school. V. Read and match. 1. What’s the matter with your brother? a. Yes, he is. 2. Is he going to see a doctor? b. I have a headache 3. What about you? How are you? c. No, I’m not. 4. Are you going to stay in bed? d. Because I have to go to school 5. Why not? e. He has a stomach ache. Answer: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - VI. Read and complete. My name is Tony. I often read science books and do sports in gym. I want to be strong and good at science because I would like to be a pilot. I want to fly planes. My friends Mai and Linda like different things. Mai often read books. She would like to be a writer because she would like to write stories for children. Linda often draws pictures in her free time. She would like to be an architect because she would like to design building Name Hobby Future job Reason Tony Read science books and does sports (1) (2) Mai (3) writer (4) Linda (5) architect would like to design buildings VII. Write about you.
  8. 1. What do you do in your free time? ___ . 2. What would you like to be in the future? Why? ___ . 3. What story are you reading now? ___ . 4. Who is the main character in your favorite story? ___ . 5. What do you think of the main character in that story? ___ . Đáp án & Thang điểm I. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A II. 1. circles 2. flow 3. is playing 4. is coming 5. does/goes
  9. III. 1. headache 2. terrible 3. speaking 4. because 5. matter IV. 1. well 2. matter 3. have 4. stay 5. not V. 1 - e 2 - a 3 - b 4 - c 5 - d VI. 1. pilot 2. want to fly planes 3. read books 4. would like to write stories for children 5. draw pictures ___ Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo Đề thi chất lượng Giữa kì 2 Năm học 2021 - 2022 Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 5 Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (Đề 3) I. Find one word that has different pronunciation from others.
  10. 1. A. books B. pencils C. rulers D. bags 2. A. read B. teacher C. eat D. ahead 3. A. tenth B. math C. brother D. theater 4. A. has B. name C. family D. lamp 5. A. when B. who C. why D. where II. Fill in the blanks. 1. What do you do in your free time? – I often ___skating with my friends. 2. What are you doing? I’m ___a cabbage. 3. They are ___the apple tree. They may fall. 4. Maria likes ___books in her free time. 5. I have a pain in my back. I have a___ III. Match. 1. What happened in the story? 2. Why would you like to be a writer? 3. Don’t touch the stove! 4. Who is the main character in this story? 5. What would he like to be in the future? a. Because I’d like to write stories for children. b. He’d like to be a teacher. c. Because you may get a burn. d. First, the prince visited the castle and he met a beautiful princess. e. It is Doreamon.
  11. Answer: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - IV. Rearrange these sentences. 1. fly/ because/ be/ would like/ Minh/ pilot/ to/ planes./ like/ he’d/ a/ to ___ 2. should/ Mr. Tuan/ a/ take /rest/. ___ 3. folk tales/ I/ because/ love/ each of them/ me/ gives/ in life./ a lesson ___ 4. to/ often/ I/ cinema / my/ the/ free/ go/ time./ in ___ 5. had/ Quan/ to/ the/ headache/ doctor/ because/ went/ he/ a/. ___ V. Read and answer. My name is Hoang Anh. In my free time, I often go camping with my family. The camp is in the forest near Ba Na Hills. We go there by car in the morning. My father likes fishing in the stream. My mother likes cooking barbecue for us. My brother and I usually play hike-and-seek. It’s so fun. We return home late in the evening. We enjoy camping very much. 1. What’s her name? ___ 2. What does she do in her free time? ___
  12. 3. What does her father like doing? ___ 4. What does her mother like doing? ___ 5. When do they return home? ___ 6. Do they love camping? ___ VI. Write about their family and what they do in their free time. My name is ___. There are four people in my family. I usually ___ in my free time. My mother is a/ an ___, and she usually ___ in her free time. My father is a/an ___. He often ___ in his free time. My brother/ sister usually ___. Đáp án & Thang điểm I. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B II. 1. go 2. cutting 3. climbin 4. reading 5. backache III.
  13. 1 - D 2 - A 3 - C 4 - E 5 - D IV. 1. Minh would like to be a pilot because he’d like to fly planes. 2. Mr. Tuan should take a rest. 3. I love folk tales because each of them gives me a lesson in life. 4. I often go to the cinema in my free time. 5. Quan went to the doctor because he had a headache. V. 1. Hoang Anh 2. Go camping with her family 3. Fish in the stream 4. Cooking barbecue for family 5. In the late evening 6. Yes, very much ___ Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo Đề thi chất lượng Giữa kì 2 Năm học 2021 - 2022 Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 5 Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (Đề 4)
  14. I. Find one word that has different pronunciation from others. 1. A. call B. fall C. shall D. wall 2. A. clown B. down C. own D. town 3. A. above B. glove C. love D. move 4. A. cow B. show C. know D. throw 5. A. clear B. bear C. hear D. dear II. Choose the correct answer. 1. What are you ___? A. draw B. drawing C. drew 2. Why shouldn’t I play with the ___? – Because you may cut yourself. A. knife B. wall C. ball 3. I have to visit the ___ because of my toothache. A. doctor B. surgeon C. dentist 4. They should not jump into the water. They may ___. A. drown B. hot C. crawl 5. What do you ___ of the story? – I think it is interesting. A. know B. understand C. think III. Read and match. 1. Don’t play with the matches! A. You may fall off the swing. 2. Don’t swing too fast! B. You may get a burn. 3. Don’t play with the knife! C. It may bite you. 4. Don’t play with a strange dog! D. You may get a cut.
  15. Answer: 1- 2 - 3 - 4 - IV. Read the passage and tick ( ) True or False. There is one example. MY HOBBY My name is Peter. My hobby is reading. I spend hours reading books. There are always interesting stories to read and things to learn. My dad read to me before going to bed when I was a little boy. The stories were full of witches, fairies, princes, princesses,. and other fascinating characters. I liked to imagine that I was the knight who saved the princess locked in a tower. I prefer other types of stories now because I’m older. I particularly enjoy reading action and adventure stories. It’s fun to believe that I’m the hero who fights the bad guys! And I’m also interested in real life stories because they make me think and imagine my reactions to many different situations in life. I think reading is a really interesting and exciting experience! True False 0. Peter likes reading books. 1. His mother read fairy stories to him before bedtime. 2. He imagined that he saved a princess from a tower. 3. He prefers action, adventure and real life stories when he grows up. 4. He doesn’t like fairy stories any more. V. Reorder the following sentences to make a story.
  16. THE GOLDEN STARFRUIT TREE A The next day, the raven came and brought the younger brother to an island filled with gold. He only put gold enough into the bag. Then, he came very rich B He made a much larger bag than his younger brother did. When the raven took him to the island, he filled the bag and all his pockets. When they flew over the sea, he was very heavy so the raven dropped him off C Once upon a time, after their parents’ death, an elder brother claimed the fortune and left his younger one only a small cottage and a starfruit tree. But one day, a huge raven flew on the starfruit tree to eat fruits and said: “Starfruits I eat, with gold I pay.” D After the elder brother heard about it, he offered to exchange all his fortune for the starfruit tree. The younger brother gladly accepted the offer. The raven came as usual and answered the elder brother as the same. Answer: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - VI. Use these words to make a complete sentence 1. What/ matter/ you? ___ 2. What/ your father/ do/ free time? ___ 3. I’d/ like/ be/ writer/ because/ I want/ write/ stories/ children. ___
  17. 4. Linda/ can’t/ go/ school/ because/ she/ have/ fever. ___ VIII. Write a letter (about 40 words) to your pen friend talking about your favorite subject. You may follow the cues below: 1. What is your favorite subject? 2. Why do you like it? 3. How often do you have it at school? 4. How many hours do you spend learning it at home? 5. How do you learn it? Dear , Đáp án & Thang điểm I. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B II. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C III. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C IV.
  18. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T V. 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B VI. 1. What’s the matter with you? 2. What does your father do in his free time? 3. I’d like to be a writer because I want to write stories for children. 4. Linda can’t go to school because she has a fever. ___ Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo Đề thi chất lượng Giữa kì 2 Năm học 2021 - 2022 Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 5 Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút (Đề 5) I. Find one word that has different pronunciation from others. 1. A. thank B. that C. this D. those 2. A. cost B. most C. post D. roast 3. A. arm B. charm C. farm D. warm 4. A. come B. home C. some D. none 5. A. man B. fan C. table D. fat
  19. II. Choose the correct tense of the verbs. 1. The sun (set) .in the West. 2. It usually (rain) in the winter. 3. They (build) the building at the moment. 4. Bees (make) honey. 5. They (get) .on the scale now. III. Look and read. Write the correct words next to their descriptions. 1. It is a person who flies a plane. ___ 2. You have a pain in your back. ___ 3. It has hard, dark green skin, red flesh and black seeds. ___ 4. It is a person who looks after your teeth. ___
  20. IV. Read the passage and circle A, B or C. SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN DWARFS Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there was a beautiful princess with rosy lips and black hair. Her name was Snow White. She had a cruel stepmother who was a witch. Her stepmother considered herself to be the prettiest. Her magic mirror always told her that when she asked it. One day, when she asked the mirror again, it pronounced Snow White. The stepmother became jealous. She ordered a hunter to take Snow White into the forest to kill her but he set her free. Snow White wandered through the forest alone till she saw a house in which seven dwarfs lived. She told them her sad story and then they let her stay there with them. One day, the stepmother asked the mirror the question again. She was shock when she knew that Snow White was still alive. She dressed up as an old beggar and went to the dwarfs’ house with a basket of apples. She cheated Snow White to eat a poisonous apple. When the dwarfs went home, they found her lying on the floor. They placed her into a glass coffin. A young prince passed through the forest and saw Snow White lying in the glass coffin. He fell in love with her and kissed her. Snow White opened her eyes and an apple chunk flew out of her throat. The prince asked her to marry him and she said yes. 1. Snow White had ___ A. red lips and brown hair B. pink lips and blond hair C. rosy lips and black hair 2. ___ had a magic mirror. A. Snow White B. The stepmother C. The hunter 3. The stepmother wanted to kill Snow White because she ___
  21. A. was jealous of her beauty B. cheated Snow White to eat a poisonous apple C. ordered a hunter 4. Snow White lived with ___ in the house in the woods. A. the dwarfs B. the prince C. the beggar 5. Snow White lived again thanks to ___ A. the dwarfs’ glass coffin B. the stepmother’s apple C. the prince’s kiss V. Use these words to make a complete sentence. 1. I’d/ like/ be/ doctor/ the future. ___. 2. My grandpa/ do/ gardening/ free time. ___. 3. King Hung/ hear/ the story/ Mai An Tiem/ let/ family/ back home. ___. 4. What/ you/ think/ the elder brother/ The Golden Starfruit Tree? ___? VI. Write a letter (about 40 words) to your penpal talking about your favourite story.
  22. You may follow the cues below: - What is your favourite story? - What is it about? - What are the main characters? - Why do you like this story? Dear , Đáp án & Thang điểm I. 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C II. 1. sets 2. rains 3. are building 4. make 5. are getting III. 1. pilot 2. backache 3. watermelon 4. dentist IV. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C V. 1. I’d like to be a doctor in the future. 2. My grandpa does the gardening in his free time.
  23. 3. King Hung heard the story about/of Mai An Tiem and let his family come back home. 4. What do you think about/of the brother in “The Golden Starfruit Tree”?