Bộ đề kiểm tra Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Bùi Văn Vinh (Có đáp án)

I. Put the correct verbs form of the sentences.

1. She (give) _________________ me a book last month.

2. Why you (make) ___________ a cake? Someone (come) ____________ to tea?

3. Tom (never be) __________________________ to Hanoi.

4. We often (go) _________________________ fishing in the summer.

5. My brother (begin) _________________ looking for a job in January. He

still (look) ________________________ for a job now.

6. His father (die) _____________________ of cancer at the age of 60.

7. Do you feel like (go) ___________________ the theatre or would you rather

(watch) ____________________ TV at night?

8. I (not have) _________________ much time for entertainment these days.

II. Use the words and reorder the sentences.

1. didn’t/ do/ his/ homework/ he/ yesterday.


2. do/ prefer/ or/ books/ you/ films/ which/?/


3. English/ father/ a/ teacher/ good/ my/ is.


4. will/ he/ the/ theatre/ go/ with/ to/ girlfriend/ tomorrow/ his.


5. born/ I / in/ 1992/ was/ Hai Phong/ in.


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  1. BỘ ĐỀ KIỂM TRA TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 5 TEST 1 I. Put the correct verbs form of the sentences. 1. She (give) ___ me a book last month. 2. Why you (make) ___ a cake? Someone (come) ___ to tea? 3. Tom (never be) ___ to Hanoi. 4. We often (go) ___ fishing in the summer. 5. My brother (begin) ___ looking for a job in January. He still (look) ___ for a job now. 6. His father (die) ___ of cancer at the age of 60. 7. Do you feel like (go) ___ the theatre or would you rather (watch) ___ TV at night? 8. I (not have) ___ much time for entertainment these days.
  2. II. Use the words and reorder the sentences. 1. didn’t/ do/ his/ homework/ he/ yesterday. 2. do/ prefer/ or/ books/ you/ films/ which/?/ . 3. English/ father/ a/ teacher/ good/ my/ is. . . 4. will/ he/ the/ theatre/ go/ with/ to/ girlfriend/ tomorrow/ his. . 5. born/ I / in/ 1992/ was/ Hai Phong/ in. . III. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Identify A, B, C, or D. 1. A. volunteer B. object C. rod D. annoy 2. A. device B. assistant C. rise D. ripe 3. A. tube B. supermarket C. cupboard D. usual 4. A. safety B. pane C. demonstrate D. wardrobe 5. A. socket B. uniform C. export D. store IV. Choose the best answer. 1. What ___ you ___ next weekend?
  3. A. do / do B. are / do C. did / do D. are / going to do 2. Where is Tony from? ~ He is from ___ A. Vietnamese B. American C. Singapore D. Singaporean 3. Yesterday John ___ go to school because he ___ a toothache. A. didn’t / had B. doesn’t / has C. didn’t / has D. doesn’t / had 4. I sometimes go ___ in the winter. A. ski B. skiing C. to ski D. to skiing 5. ___ are you going this summer holiday? _ I’m going to Paris. A. How B. What C. Where D. Who 6. We want to have a good time ___ Hanoi. A. on B. at C. for D. in 7. Hoa ___ a letter to her pen friend now. A. is writeing B. is writing C. writes D. wrote 8. It takes about thirty hours___ from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City. A. to fly B. flying C. fly D. to flying 9. ___ is it from Hanoi to Hue? ~ About 900 kilometers. A. How old B. How C. How far D. How many 10. There are four ___ in my country: spring, summer, autumn and winter. A. season B. seasons C. people D. students
  4. TEST 2 I. Put the correct verbs form of the sentences. 1. In the early 1800s, only Britain (go) ___ though the industrial revolution. 2. My wife and I (travel) ___ to Mexico by air last summer. 3. Jane (be) ___ here since last week. 4. I (never see) ___ anyone more punctual than your brother. 5. His father (die) ___ of cancer at the age of 60. 6. ___ you (hear) ___ the wind? It (blow) ___ very strongly tonight. II. Circle the word in each group which is different. 1. A. mirror B. Photo C. picture D. newspaper 2. A. fridge B. washing machine C. stereo D. cooker 3. A. behind B. Until C. near D. next to 4. A. third B. Second C. one D. first 5. A. tomorrow B. Christmas Day C. birthday D. weeding day III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct. 1. They traveling to school by bus.
  5. A B C D 2. She is ride her bike to the market. A B C D 3. Some signs says you can not do something. A B C D 4. Where is he going at five on the morning. A B C D 5. Is there a lake to the right from the house? A B C D IV. Choose the odd one out. 1. A. beautiful B. souvenir C. interesting D. colorful 2. A. weather B. summer C. autumn D. winter 3. A. who B. how C. why D. this 4. A. tooth B. eye C. head D. aspirin 5. A. bought B. flew C. danced D. sang TEST 3 I. Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct. 1. STAIDIUM . 2. HOISPITAL . 3. SUPERIMARKET .
  6. 4. CINEIMA . 5. POEST OFFICE . 6. PHAREMACY . 7. THEATREA . 8. BEETWEEN . II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. 1. He looks different ___ his father. A. at B. with C. from D. for 2. Mr. Ba has ___ days off than Mr. Trung. A. much B. many C. less D. fewer 3. Hung is in his room. He ___ the guitar now. A. play B. plays C. will play D. is playing 4. ___ a lovely house! A. How B. What C. When D. Where 5. My brother is the ___ in my family. A. more intelligent B. intelligent C. most intelligent D. less intelligent 6. A ___ works on the farm. A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. journalist 7. ___ do you usually do after school? – I read books and watch TV.
  7. A. How B. What C. When D. Why 8. Lan lives ___ 20 Nguyen Tat Thanh Street. A. on B. at C. to D. in III. Reorder the words to complete sentences. 1. doctor / see / you / the / should. 2. My / anything / didn’t / mother / buy. 3. the / is / warm / spring / in / weather? 4. going / we / to / are / Nha Trang / next weekend / visit. 5. fly / he / the / wants / kite / to. IV. Read and answer the questions. Hello! My name is John. I am from America. I’m having a wonderful time in Da Nang. The beach is nice. The hotels look beautiful and the seafood is excellent. The weather is lovely, so I go swimming most of the time. Yesterday, I met a pretty girl from Ha Noi. She was very friendly.
  8. 1. Where is Peter from? 2. Where is he now? 3. What is seafood like? 4. What is the weather like? 5. Did he meet a pretty girl from Hanoi?
  9. ANSWER KEYS TEST 1 I. Put the correct verbs form of the sentences. 1. gave 2. are you making / Is someone coming 3. has never been 4. go 5. began- is still looking 6. died 7. going- watch 8. don’t have II. Use the words and reorder the sentences. 1. He didn’t do his homework yesterday. 2. Which do you prefer: films or books? 3. My father is a good English teacher. 4. He will go to the theatre with his friend tomorrow. 5. I was born in 1990 in Hai Phong. III. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Identify A, B, C, or D. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A IV. Choose the best answer. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B TEST 2 I. Put the correct verbs form of the sentences. 1. went 2. travelled 3. has been 4. have never seen 5. died 6. Do you hear / is blowing II. Circle the word in each group which is different.
  10. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct. 1. B (travel) 2. A (riding) 3. B (say) 4. D (in) 5. D (of) IV. Choose the odd one out. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C TEST 3 I. Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct. 1. STADIUM 3. SUPERMARKET 5. POST OFFICE 7. THEATRE 2. HOSPITAL 4. CINEMA 6. PHARMACY 8. BETWEEN II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B III. Reorder the words to complete sentences. 6. You should see the doctor. 7. My mother didn’t buy anything. 8. Is the weather warm in spring? 9. We are going to visit to Nha Trang next weekend. 10. He wants to fly the kite. IV. Read and answer the questions. 1. He is from America. 4. The weather is lovely. 2. He is in Da Nang. 5. Yes, he did. 3. The seafood is excellent.