Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 (Sách i-Learn Smart Start) - Năm học 2021-2022 - Đề 3 (Có file nghe)

7 : Look at the pictures and read the storv. Write some words to

complete the sentences about the storv. You can use 1. 2 or 3 words.

Toby is seven. He likes sports and he osoally plays badminton with his friends after school. He thinks the hest reason to play sports is that he can be healthy. Last weekend, he and his friends went to the park and they played badminton there. His sister Lisa rarely plays outside, so she played mobile games. Josh played basketball with Adam. Josh jumped very high and hurt his ankle when he landed, it really hurt.

1) Toby and his friends ........ ............ ... ....... last weekend.

2) Toby thinks the best reason to................................... lS to be healthy.

3) Lisa likes to play ..............................

4) Last weekend, Josh and Adam ..............................

5) Because Josh jumped very high, he..............................

docx 12 trang Đường Gia Huy 21/05/2024 1000
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Nội dung text: Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 (Sách i-Learn Smart Start) - Năm học 2021-2022 - Đề 3 (Có file nghe)

  1. GRADE SEMESTER 1 TEST Full nam Mark TEST 3 1. Listen and write. There is one example. DAISY’S SCHOOL Nome.- How old* Best /riend: Favourite dog: Be5t sport: Lunch:
  2. 2. Listen and draw line. There is one example. Alex Paul Peter Jane Vicky Anna Mary
  3. 3. Listen and tick (/J the box. There is one example. What did Jim do ge5terdoy* 1 What con Grace’s parrot do* D 2 What did Fred hove /or break/ast? 0 O 3 Which are Sollg’s new clothes* « O D
  4. Which port o/ Anna’s body A B 5 What did Tom lose at school today?'
  5. 4. What did Jock do on his holiday* Lfsten a nd draw a I ine from the do y to the correct picture. Tt›ere is one example. U on daq TueSdog \Ne0n esdoq Thursday Friday Saturday Sunda q
  6. 5 : Look and read.Choose the correct words and write them. neck basebl a sport centre computer game football a TV basketball shoulder 1. This is a sport where you use your foot to kick a ball into a net. 2. This is a kind of sport. You must hit the ball with a bat and run. c. This part of the body is between the head and the shoulders. 4. You can watch news, programs or movies on this. 5. You can play games like tennis or basketball in this place. «. You throw and bounce the ball in this game, but you can’t kick it. 7. This is a body part. It’s between your neck and your arm 8. A game that is played on a computer, in which the pictures that appear on the screen are controlled by pressing keys or moving a joystick.
  7. 6. Look and read. Write Yes or No. L $29 . $19 Examples The cap is nineteen dollars. Yes The pants are foxy dollars. No Questions The scarf is twenty-nine dollars. The gloves are twenty-four dollars. The dress is ninety-eight dollars. The sweater is eighty-nine dollars.
  8. 7 : Look at the pictures and read the storv. Write some words to complete the sentences about the storv. You can use 1. 2 or 3 words. Toby is seven. He likes sports and he osoally plays badminton with his friends after school. He thinks the hest reason to play sports is that he can be healthy. Last weekend, he and his friends went to the park and they played badminton there. His sister Lisa rarely plays outside, so she played mobile games. Josh played basketball with Adam. Josh jumped very high and hurt his ankle when he landed, it really hurt. 1) Toby and his friends last weekend. 2) Toby thinks the best reason to lS to be healthy. 3) Lisa likes to play 4) Last weekend, Josh and Adam 5) Because Josh jumped very high, he
  9. Then, Toby went home with Lisa and Josh. His mom saw the kids and asked, “What happened?” Toby said, “I played badminton with my friend. Then I hit a tree and hurt my elbow.” His mom told him and Josh that they should go to see the doctor. His mom also said to Lisa: “You shouldn’t play mobile games all the time Lisa. You should play outside more.” 5. Toby, Lisa and Josh together. 6. Because Toby hurt his elbow and Josh hurt his ankle, Toby’s mother told them they should go to 7. Lisa should go outside and more.
  10. 8 : Read the text and choose the best answer . Paul is talking to his friend Julia. Example Julia: Hello, Paul! Whose bike is that* Paul : AJ It’s in the garden. B) It’s mine! It’s new. C) Yes, it is. 1) Julia : Can I ride with you? 2) Julia : Do you want to go to the zoo? Paul : A) All right Paul : A) Yes, I did. B) No, it’s with you. B) Yes, I do. C) Yes, you are. C) Yes, it did. 3) Paul: Why do you want to go to the zoo? 4) Paul: What animals do you want to seek Julia: A) I want to buy some bread. Julia: A) I want to see giraffes and bears. B) Yes, I do. B) No, I don’t. C) Because I want to see the animals. C) I don’t like crocodiles. 5) Julia : Do you like monkeys, Paul? 6) Julia : Why do you like monkeys, Paul? Paul : A) No, I can’t. Pau1 : A) Because they’re scary. B) Yes, I do. B) Yes, I like it. C) Yes, I d1d. C) Because they’re funny.
  11. SPEAKING 9/ Find the differences between two pictures A B Examples: In the picture A, it’s rainy but in the picture B, it’s cloudy. 10/ Choose the odd one out and explain why do you choose. 1.
  12. 2. 3. 4. Examples: In line one, the fourth picture is different because you must play with your friend. The other ones, you can do by yourself, you don’t need your friend.