Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

I. Choose the correct answer

When did you go to the zoo? I ___________ there yesterday.

a. go

b. went

c. goes

d. was

2. ________ did you do at the party? We chatted with friends.

a. Where

b. What

c. Why

d. When

3. Last summer, I went to NhaTrang ________________ train.

a. at

b. for

c. on

d. by

4. What did the lions do when you were at the zoo? They ____________ loudly.

a. moved

b. ate

c. roared

d. sang

pdf 9 trang Đường Gia Huy 26/01/2024 1740
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  1. Đề thi Tiếng Anh học kì 1 lớp 5 năm 2021 - Đề số 1 I. Choose the correct answer 1. When did you go to the zoo? I ___ there yesterday. a. go b. went c. goes d. was 2. ___ did you do at the party? We chatted with friends. a. Where b. What c. Why d. When 3. Last summer, I went to NhaTrang ___ train. a. at b. for c. on d. by 4. What did the lions do when you were at the zoo? They ___ loudly. a. moved b. ate c. roared d. sang
  2. II. Read and complete. hobby singing writes because speaks Trung is a newcomer in Class 5B. Today, he’s happy (1) ___ he has two English lessons. To practice speaking English, he (2) ___ it every day with his friends. To learn vocabulary, he (3) ___ new words and reads them aloud. He also learns English by (4) ___ English songs. His (5) ___ is singing English songs! III. Put the words in order. 1. holiday/ did/ Where/ you/ last/ go/ ? ___ 2. birthday/ party/ When/ your/ last/ was/? ___ 3. comic/ I / read/ books/ English/ ./ ___ 4. The tigers/ and/ they/ saw/ the elephants/ ./ ___ 5. uncle /works/ farm/ on /My/ the. ___ 6. did / they / What / yesterday / do ? ___ 7. watching / We /TV /now /are . ___ 8. dancer /Lan /to /wants /a /be. ___ IV. Match the sentences.
  3. 1. What’s your address? a. Yes. I did. 2. Did you go to the party? b. I watch English cartoons on TV. 3. How do you learn English? c. Yes, I will. 4. What are you reading? d. I’m reading Aladdin and the Magic lamp. 5. Will you take part in Sports Day? e. It’s 75 Hai Ba Trung street. Đáp án: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - V. Read the passage and answer the following question. Hello! My name is Peter. I am from America. I’m having a wonderful time in Da Nang. The beach is nice. The hotels look beautiful and the seafood is excellent. The weather is lovely, so I go swimming most of the time. Yesterday, I met a pretty girl from Ha Noi. She was very friendly. 1. Where is Peter from? ___ 2. Where is he now? ___ 3. What is seafood like? ___ 4. What is the weather like? ___ 5. Did he meet a pretty girl from Hanoi? ___ Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh cuối học kì 1 lớp 5 I. Choose the correct answer 1 – b 2 – b 3 – d 4 - c II. Read and complete.
  4. 1. because 2. speaks 3. writes 4. singing 5. hobby III. Put the words in order. 1. Where did you go last holiday? 2. When was your last birthday party? 3. I read English comic books. 4. They saw the tigers and the elephants. 5. My uncle works on the farm. 6. What did they do yesterday? 7. We are now watching TV. 8. Lan wants to be a dancer. IV. Match the sentences. 1 – e 2 – a 3 – b 4 – d 5 - c V. Read the passage and answer the following question. 1. He is from America. 2. He is in Da Nang. 3. The seafood is excellent. 4. The weather is lovely. 5. Yes, he did.
  5. Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 5 cuối học kì 1 năm 2021 - Đề số 2 I. Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct. 1. STAIDIUM ___ 2. HOISPITAL ___ 3. SUPERIMARKET ___ 4. CINEIMA ___ 5. POEST OFFICE ___ 6. PHAREMACY ___ 7. THEATREA ___ 8. BEETWEEN ___ II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. 1. He looks different his father. A. at B. with C. from D. for 2. Mr. Ba has days off than Mr. Trung. A. much B. many C. less D. fewer 3. Hung is in his room. He ___ the guitar now. A. play
  6. B. plays C. will play D. is playing 4. a lovely house! A. How B. What C. When D. Where 5. My brother is the in my family. A. more intelligent B. intelligent C. most intelligent D. less intelligent 6. A works on the farm. A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. journalist 7. Do you usually do after school? – I read books and watch TV. A. How B. What C. When D. Why
  7. 8. Lan lives 20 Nguyen Tat Thanh Street. A. on B. at C. to D. in III. Reorder the words to complete sentences. 1. doctor / see / you / the / should/ ./ ___ 2. My / anything / didn’t / mother / buy/ ./ ___ 3. the / is / warm / spring / in / weather/ ./ ___ 4. going / we / to / are / Nha Trang / next weekend / visit/ ./ ___ 5. fly / he / the / wants / kite / to/ ./ ___ IV. Read and answer the questions. Hello! My name is John. I am from London. I’m having a wonderful holiday in Phuket, Thailand. The beach is nice. The hotels look beautiful and the seafood is very tasty. The weather is nice, so I go swimming most of the time. Yesterday, I met a pretty girl from Ha Noi. She was very friendly. 1. Where is John from? ___ 2. Where is he now?
  8. ___ 3. What does he do during this holiday? ___ 4. Is the weather bad? ___ 5. Did he meet a pretty girl from China? ___ Đáp án đề thi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5 học kì 1 2021 - Đề số 2 I. Leave ONE unnecessary letter in these words to make them correct. 1. stadium 2. hospital 3. supermarket 4. cinema 5. post office 6. pharmacy 7. theatre 8. between II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. 1-A 2-D 3-D 4-B 5-C 6-C 7-B 8-B III. Reorder the words to complete sentences. 1. You should see the doctor. 2. My mother didn’t buy anything.
  9. 3. The weather in spring is warm. 4. We are going to visit Nha Trang next week. 5. He wants to fly the kites. IV. Read and answer the questions. 1. He is from America. 2. He is in Phuket, Thai land. 3. He goes swimming. 4. No, it isn’t. 5. No, he didn’t.